• Filter Drier Castel D330/5-305 5/8″


    Filter and liquid/humidity indicators are designed for isntalation on commersial refrigeration systems and civil and industrial air conditioning refrigeration systems employing group II refrigerants . Filter driers are available in a hermetically sealed version or with a solid exchangeable cartridge . Hermetically sealed filters are supplied in the standard drier version, series 43, anti-acid series 42, BI-derectional flow series 45. Filter with a solid exchangeable cartridge are available in packages of 1 to 4 standard drier, anti-acid or mechanical cartridges .

  • Expansion Valve Castel 2230/4E

    The new Castel “22” series are designed to work with interchangeable orifice assembly, to provide flexibility in selection of capacities, and can be used in a wide range of applications as listed below:
    • Refrigeration systems display cases in supermarkets, freezer, ice cream and ice maker machines , transport refrigeration
    • air conditioning systems
    • heat pump systems
    • liquid chillers

    Which use the following refrigerant fluds : R22,  R134A, R404A, R407C, R507 proper to the group II


    Expansion Valve Castel 2230/4E

  • Expansion Valve Castel 2220/4E

    Castel thermostatic expansion valves series 22 regulate the flow of refrigerant liquid into evaporators; the liquid injection is controlled by the refrigerant superheat. The new Castel “22” series are designed to work with interchangeable orifice assembly, to provide flexibility in selection of capacities, and can be used in a wide range of applications as listed below:
    • Refrigeration systems display cases in supermarkets, freezer, ice cream and ice maker machines , transport refrigeration
    • air conditioning systems
    • heat pump systems
    • liquid chillers

    Which use the following refrigerant fluds : R22,  R134A, R404A, R407C, R507 proper to the group II

  • Hot

    Expansion Valve Castel 2210/4E

    Castel thermostatic expansion valves series 22 regulate the flow of refrigerant liquid into evaporators; the liquid injection is controlled by the refrigerant superheat. The new Castel “22” series are designed to work with interchangeable orifice assembly, to provide flexibility in selection of capacities, and can be used in a wide range of applications as listed below:
    • Refrigeration systems display cases in supermarkets, freezer, ice cream and ice maker machines , transport refrigeration
    • air conditioning systems
    • heat pump systems
    • liquid chillers

    Which use the following refrigerant fluds : R22,  R134A, R404A, R407C, R507 proper to the group II

    Castel thermostatic expansion valves act as throttle device between the high pressure and the low pressure sides of refrigeration systems and ensure that the rate of refrigerant fl ow into the evaporator exactly matches the rate of evaporation of liquid refrigerant in the evaporator.
    If the actual superheat is higher than the set point the valve feeds the evaporator with more liquid refrigerant, if the actual superheat is lower than the set point the valve decreases the fl ow of liquid refrigerant to the evaporator.
    Thus the evaporator is fully utilized and no liquid refrigerant may reach the compressor.

    Expansion Valve Castel 2210/4E

  • Ball Valve Castel 7/8″


    The new Ball Valves 6570/6571 are designed for installation on commercial refrigerating systems and on civil and industrial conditioning plants, which use the following refrigerant fluids: R22, R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507 proper to the group II.

    Ball valves are available in the following two types:

    • Type 6570 (full port) and type 6571 (reduced port) without access fitting.
    • Type 6570/A (full port) with access fitting, These ball valves are equipped with valve core 8394/A and blind nut 7020/20.
  • Ball Valve Castel 5/8″


    The new Ball Valves 6570/6571 are designed for installation on commercial refrigerating systems and on civil and industrial conditioning plants, which use the following refrigerant fluids: R22, R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507 proper to the group II.

    Ball valves are available in the following two types:

    • Type 6570 (full port) and type 6571 (reduced port) without access fitting.
    • Type 6570/A (full port) with access fitting, These ball valves are equipped with valve core 8394/A and blind nut 7020/20.
  • Selenoid Valve Castel 1/2″

    Selenoid Valve Castel 3/8″

    Kami menjual Selenoid Valve Castel 3/8″


    Solenoid valves are designed for instalation on commercial refrigeration systems and civil and industrial air conditioning systems employing the following refrigerants : R22, R134A, R404A, R407C, 410A, R507 in group II . contact castel’s technical office for information on specific applications with refrigerant which are not listed above but do belong to group II . Available in normally closed org NC and normally open or no versions, with connections from 1/4″ to 2 1/8″ and vast range of reels and connectors .

    Katup solenoid dirancang untuk pemasangan pada sistem pendingin komersial dan sistem pendingin udara sipil dan industri yang menggunakan pendingin berikut: R22, R134A, R404A, R407C, 410A, R507 dalam kelompok II. hubungi kantor teknis castel untuk informasi tentang aplikasi spesifik dengan refrigeran yang tidak tercantum di atas tetapi milik grup II. Tersedia dalam versi NC yang biasanya tertutup dan biasanya terbuka atau tanpa versi, dengan koneksi dari 1/4 ″ hingga 2 1/8 ″ dan berbagai macam gulungan dan konektor.

  • Selenoid Valve Castel 1/2″

    Selenoid Valve Castel 3/4″

    Kami menjual Selenoid Valve Castel 3/4″


    Solenoid valves are designed for instalation on commercial refrigeration systems and civil and industrial air conditioning systems employing the following refrigerants : R22, R134A, R404A, R407C, 410A, R507 in group II . contact castel’s technical office for information on specific applications with refrigerant which are not listed above but do belong to group II . Available in normally closed org NC and normally open or no versions, with connections from 13/4/4″ to 2 1/8″ and vast range of reels and connectors .

    Katup solenoid dirancang untuk pemasangan pada sistem pendingin komersial dan sistem pendingin udara sipil dan industri yang menggunakan pendingin berikut: R22, R134A, R404A, R407C, 410A, R507 dalam kelompok II. hubungi kantor teknis castel untuk informasi tentang aplikasi spesifik dengan refrigeran yang tidak tercantum di atas tetapi milik grup II. Tersedia dalam versi NC yang biasanya tertutup dan biasanya terbuka atau tanpa versi, dengan koneksi dari 13/4/4 ″ hingga 2 1/8 ″ dan berbagai pilihan gulungan dan konektor.

  • Oil Separator Castel 1 1/8″

    Oil Separator Castel 5/8″

    Kami menjual Oil Separator Castel 5/8″


    Castel offers a vast range of oil management and  control products: oil separators, oil level regulators, oil filters and oil reserves. All products are compatible with  HFC refrigerants, and particularly R134a, R404A, R407C, R507 and R410A mixed with POE oils or CFC and HCFC refrigerants mixed with mineral oils.

    Castel menawarkan beragam produk manajemen dan kontrol oli: separator oli, regulator level oli, filter oli, dan cadangan oli.
    Semua produk kompatibel dengan pendingin HFC, dan khususnya R134a, R404A, R407C, R507 dan R410A dicampur dengan minyak POE atau pendingin CFC dan HCFC yang dicampur dengan minyak mineral.

  • Oil Separator Castel 1 1/8″

    Oil Separator Castel 1/2″

    Kami menjual Oil Separator Castel 1/2″


    Castel offers a vast range of oil management and  control products: oil separators, oil level regulators, oil filters and oil reserves. All products are compatible with  HFC refrigerants, and particularly R134a, R404A, R407C, R507 and R410A mixed with POE oils or CFC and HCFC refrigerants mixed with mineral oils.

    Castel menawarkan beragam produk manajemen dan kontrol oli: separator oli, regulator level oli, filter oli, dan cadangan oli. Semua produk kompatibel dengan pendingin HFC, dan khususnya R134a, R404A, R407C, R507 dan R410A dicampur dengan minyak POE atau pendingin CFC dan HCFC yang dicampur dengan minyak mineral.

  • Filter Drier Castel D305/2 1/4″

    Filter Drier Castel D330/4-304 1/2″

    Kami menjual Filter Drier Castel D330/4-304 1/2″


    Filter and liquid/humidity indicators are designed for isntalation on commersial refrigeration systems and civil and industrial air conditioning refrigeration systems employing group II refrigerants . Filter driers are available in a hermetically sealed version or with a solid exchangeable cartridge . Hermetically sealed filters are supplied in the standard drier version, series 43, anti-acid series 42, BI-derectional flow series 45. Filter with a solid exchangeable cartridge are available in packages of 1 to 4 standard drier, anti-acid or mechanical cartridges .

    Indikator filter dan cairan / kelembaban dirancang untuk isntalation pada sistem pendingin komersial dan sistem pendingin udara sipil dan industri yang menggunakan pendingin kelompok II. Pengering filter tersedia dalam versi tertutup rapat atau dengan kartrid yang dapat ditukar. Filter yang tertutup rapat disediakan dalam versi pengering standar, seri 43, seri anti-asam 42, seri aliran dererional BI-45. Filter dengan kartrid yang dapat diganti-ganti tersedia dalam paket 1 hingga 4 pengering standar, anti-asam atau kartrid mekanis .

  • Filter Drier Castel D305/2 1/4″

    Filter Drier Castel D316/5-165 5/8″


    Filter and liquid/humidity indicators are designed for isntalation on commersial refrigeration systems and civil and industrial air conditioning refrigeration systems employing group II refrigerants . Filter driers are available in a hermetically sealed version or with a solid exchangeable cartridge . Hermetically sealed filters are supplied in the standard drier version, series 43, anti-acid series 42, BI-derectional flow series 45. Filter with a solid exchangeable cartridge are available in packages of 1 to 4 standard drier, anti-acid or mechanical cartridges .

    Indikator filter dan cairan / kelembaban dirancang untuk isntalation pada sistem pendingin komersial dan sistem pendingin udara sipil dan industri yang menggunakan pendingin kelompok II. Pengering filter tersedia dalam versi tertutup rapat atau dengan kartrid yang dapat ditukar. Filter yang tertutup rapat disediakan dalam versi pengering standar, seri 43, seri anti-asam 42, seri aliran dererional BI-45. Filter dengan kartrid yang dapat diganti-ganti tersedia dalam paket 1 hingga 4 pengering standar, anti-asam atau kartrid mekanis .


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