• Check Valve Danfoss NRV 10 3/8″

    Check Valve Danfoss NRV 10 3/8″


    NRV dan NRVH dapat digunakan dalam saluran gas cair, hisap dan panas di pabrik pendingin dan pendingin udara dengan pendingin berfluorinasi. NRV dan NRVH dapat dilengkapi dengan koneksi suar dan solder. Mereka juga tersedia dengan koneksi solder kebesaran yang memberikan fleksibilitas dalam penggunaan katup periksa.

  • Check Valve Danfoss NRV 10 3/8″

    Check Valve Danfoss NRV 12 1/2″

    Kami menjual Check Valve Danfoss NRV 12 1/2″


    NRV dan NRVH dapat digunakan dalam saluran gas cair, hisap dan panas di pabrik pendingin dan pendingin udara dengan pendingin berfluorinasi. NRV dan NRVH dapat dilengkapi dengan koneksi suar dan solder. Mereka juga tersedia dengan koneksi solder kebesaran yang memberikan fleksibilitas dalam penggunaan katup periksa.

  • Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 10S 3/8″

    Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 16S 5/8″

    Katup bola GBC dioperasikan secara manual katup penutup yang cocok untuk aplikasi di mana aliran dua arah merupakan persyaratan.
    Katup GBC disetujui untuk aplikasi dalam saluran cairan, hisap, dan gas panas dalam sistem pendingin dan pendingin udara.
    Katup GBC menawarkan keketatan maksimum di kursi dan segel, dengan penurunan tekanan minimum.
    Katup GBC memberikan aliran maksimum dalam posisi terbuka penuh. Mereka dirancang untuk operasi dalam kisaran suhu yang luas dan disetujui untuk digunakan dengan refrigeran berfluorinasi. Katup GBC standar dapat digunakan dalam aplikasi yang menggunakan pendingin bertekanan tinggi, termasuk R410A, dan katup bola dua arah GBC dapat dikirimkan dengan atau tanpa port akses eksternal.
    Untuk aplikasi CO2, rentang khusus tersedia dengan maks. tekanan kerja 90 bar (1300 psig).
    Katup GBC dilengkapi dengan penutup segel satu bagian untuk mencegah gangguan. Sesuai dengan European Safety Directive EN 378 (Persyaratan keselamatan dan lingkungan).

  • Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 10S 3/8″

    Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 18S 3/4″

    Katup bola GBC dioperasikan secara manual katup penutup yang cocok untuk aplikasi di mana aliran dua arah merupakan persyaratan.
    Katup GBC disetujui untuk aplikasi dalam saluran cairan, hisap, dan gas panas dalam sistem pendingin dan pendingin udara.
    Katup GBC menawarkan keketatan maksimum di kursi dan segel, dengan penurunan tekanan minimum.
    Katup GBC memberikan aliran maksimum dalam posisi terbuka penuh. Mereka dirancang untuk operasi dalam kisaran suhu yang luas dan disetujui untuk digunakan dengan refrigeran berfluorinasi. Katup GBC standar dapat digunakan dalam aplikasi yang menggunakan pendingin bertekanan tinggi, termasuk R410A, dan katup bola dua arah GBC dapat dikirimkan dengan atau tanpa port akses eksternal.
    Untuk aplikasi CO2, rentang khusus tersedia dengan maks. tekanan kerja 90 bar (1300 psig).
    Katup GBC dilengkapi dengan penutup segel satu bagian untuk mencegah gangguan. Sesuai dengan European Safety Directive EN 378 (Persyaratan keselamatan dan lingkungan).

  • Filter Drier Danfoss DML 032

    Filter Drier Danfoss DML 083

    Kami menjual Filter Drier Danfoss DML 083

    DML ELMINATOR hermetic filter driers protect refrigeration and air conditioning systems from moisture, acids and solid particles, eleminating harmful chemical reaction and abrasive impurities . DML hermetic filter driers, with a 100% solid molecular sieve core, are recommended for use with HFO, HC, HFC and HCFC refrigerants . They are hermetic and available in many sizes and connection types .


    • Traditional refrigeration
    • Air Conditioning units
    • Transport Refrigeration
    • High Drying capacity avoiding the risk of acid formation in the refrigeration system
    • All danfoss filter driers have end caps designed for greater protection and easy removal
    • Wide range with size : 1.5-75 cubic inches
    • Corrosion resistant powder-painted finish, tested for 500 hrs in salt spray
    • 100% 3A molecular sieve core
    • Recommended for use with HFO, HC, HFC, and HCFC refrigerants ( face seal connectors for HFO refrigerants available upon request,please contact your sales representative )
    • PS/MWP up to 46 bar/667 psig
    • Available with flare, solder ( pure cooper, cu-plated ) connections .
  • Filter Drier Danfoss DML 032

    Filter Drier Danfoss DML 084

    Kami menjual Filter Drier Danfoss DML 084

    DML ELMINATOR hermetic filter driers protect refrigeration and air conditioning systems from moisture, acids and solid particles, eleminating harmful chemical reaction and abrasive impurities . DML hermetic filter driers, with a 100% solid molecular sieve core, are recommended for use with HFO, HC, HFC and HCFC refrigerants . They are hermetic and available in many sizes and connection types .


    • Traditional refrigeration
    • Air Conditioning units
    • Transport Refrigeration
    • High Drying capacity avoiding the risk of acid formation in the refrigeration system
    • All danfoss filter driers have end caps designed for greater protection and easy removal
    • Wide range with size : 1.5-75 cubic inches
    • Corrosion resistant powder-painted finish, tested for 500 hrs in salt spray
    • 100% 3A molecular sieve core
    • Recommended for use with HFO, HC, HFC, and HCFC refrigerants ( face seal connectors for HFO refrigerants available upon request,please contact your sales representative )
    • PS/MWP up to 46 bar/667 psig
    • Available with flare, solder ( pure cooper, cu-plated ) connections .
  • Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 10S 3/8″

    Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 22S 7/8″

    Kami menjual Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 22S 7/8″

    GBC ball valves are manually operated shut-off valves suitable for applications where bi-directional flow is a requirement.
    GBC valves are approved for applications in liquid, suction, and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
    GBC valves offer maximum tightness across the seat and seal, with minimum pressure drop.
    GBC valves give maximum flow in the fully open position. They are designed for operation within a broad temperature range and are approved for use with any fluorinated refrigerant. Standard GBC valves may be used in applications using high pressure refrigerants, including R410A, and GBC bi-directional ball valves can be delivered with or without external access port.
    For CO2 applications a dedicated range is available with a max. working pressure of 90 bar (1300 psig).
    GBC valves are equipped with a one-piece seal cap to prevent tampering. Complies with European Safety Directive EN 378 (Safety and environmental requirements).

  • Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 10S 3/8″

    Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 28S 1 1/8″

    Kami menjual Ball Valve Danfoss GBC 28S 1 1/8″

    GBC ball valves are manually operated shut-off valves suitable for applications where bi-directional flow is a requirement.
    GBC valves are approved for applications in liquid, suction, and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
    GBC valves offer maximum tightness across the seat and seal, with minimum pressure drop.
    GBC valves give maximum flow in the fully open position. They are designed for operation within a broad temperature range and are approved for use with any fluorinated refrigerant. Standard GBC valves may be used in applications using high pressure refrigerants, including R410A, and GBC bi-directional ball valves can be delivered with or without external access port.
    For CO2 applications a dedicated range is available with a max. working pressure of 90 bar (1300 psig).
    GBC valves are equipped with a one-piece seal cap to prevent tampering. Complies with European Safety Directive EN 378 (Safety and environmental requirements).

  • Check Valve Danfoss NRV 10 3/8″

    Check Valve Danfoss NRV 16 5/8″

    Kami menjual Check Valve Danfoss NRV 16 5/8″


    NRV and NRVH can be used in liquid, suction and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning plants with fluorinated refrigerants. NRV and NRVH can be supplied with flare and solder connections. They are also available with oversize solder connections providing flexibility in the use of check valves.

  • Check Valve Danfoss NRV 10 3/8″

    Check Valve Danfoss NRV 19 3/4″

    Kami menjual Check Valve Danfoss NRV 19 3/4″


    NRV and NRVH can be used in liquid, suction and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning plants with fluorinated refrigerants. NRV and NRVH can be supplied with flare and solder connections. They are also available with oversize solder connections providing flexibility in the use of check valves.

  • Selenoid Danfoss EVR 10 5/8″

    Selenoid Danfoss EVR 10 5/8″

    Kami menjual Selenoid Danfoss EVR 10 5/8″

    Product Description

    KP pressure controls are for use in refrigeration and air conditioning systems to give protection against excessively low suction pressure or excessively high discharge pressure. The controls are also used for starting ans stopping refrigeration compressors and fans on air- cooled condensers. KP pressure controls are available in IP 30 and IP 44 enclosures.

    Product Features
    • Ambient temperature:–40 – +65°C (+80°C for max. 2 hours). DIN-approved units:–40 – +65°C (+80°C for max. 2 hours). Max. working pressure = 17 bar Max. test pressure = 20 bar Contact load, AC: AC1: 16 A, 400 V AC3: 16 A, 400 V AC15: 10 A, 400 V Max. starting current (L.R.): 112 A, 400 V Contact load, DC: DC13: 12 W, 220 V control current
  • Selenoid Danfoss EVR 10 5/8″

    Selenoid Danfoss EVR 15 7/8″

    Kami menjual Selenoid Danfoss EVR 15 7/8″

    Product Description

    KP pressure controls are for use in refrigeration and air conditioning systems to give protection against excessively low suction pressure or excessively high discharge pressure. The controls are also used for starting ans stopping refrigeration compressors and fans on air- cooled condensers. KP pressure controls are available in IP 30 and IP 44 enclosures.

    Product Features
    • Ambient temperature:–40 – +65°C (+80°C for max. 2 hours). DIN-approved units:–40 – +65°C (+80°C for max. 2 hours). Max. working pressure = 17 bar Max. test pressure = 20 bar Contact load, AC: AC1: 16 A, 400 V AC3: 16 A, 400 V AC15: 10 A, 400 V Max. starting current (L.R.): 112 A, 400 V Contact load, DC: DC13: 12 W, 220 V control current

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